Some cars are experiencing internet connectivity issues as a result of the 5G upgrade.

internet connectivity issues as a result of the 5G upgrade Because today's conversation is about 5G, the super-fast new network for smartphones and other wireless devices, chances are you haven't given previous 3G cellular networks much thought. However, as wireless providers continue to phase out older 3G networks, millions of connected automobiles may lose critical safety features, according to Consumer Reports. A automobile, according to Consumer Reports, is a computer on wheels, and in many cases, it's also a cell phone. Almost every vehicle nowadays has a built-in internet connection. This can be used for safety features such as automatically phoning for help in the event of a collision, or convenience features such as remotely starting the car or checking to see if the doors are locked or unlocked. However, millions of cars on the road now rely on an out-of-date 3G wireless network. All major cellular providers will permanently shut down their 3G networks by the end o...