Our ability to think could be harmed by AI systems.

AI algorithms could disrupt our ability to think In a report to Congress this year, the US National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence found that AI is "world-altering." AI is also changing people's minds because the AI-powered machine is now the mind. This will be a reality in the 2020s. We are learning to rely on AI for so many things as a society that we may become less inquisitive and more trusting of the information AI-powered computers deliver. In other words, we may already be outsourcing our thinking to computers, resulting in the loss of a component of our agency. The trend toward more AI use shows no signs of slowing down. According to the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, private investment in AI will reach an all-time high of $93.5 billion in 2021, more than doubling from the previous year. In addition, in 2021, the number of patent filings connected to AI innovation will be 30 times higher than in 2015. This is evidenc...