Is it possible for the Internet to exist without Linux?

Can the Internet exist without Linux? The Linux Foundation recently released a humorous film depicting life without a Web search. Its tagline was "It's difficult to picture a world without Linux." "A world without Linux would be a world without the Internet," it continued. In September 1969, the Internet began as ARPAnet, a government-sponsored packet-switching network. Linus Torvalds didn't arrive on the scene until December 1969. The comic is about Internet search, not the Internet itself. In 1991, the World Wide Web was born. It debuted on NeXTStations. These were Unix workstations developed by Steve Jobs. They are the forerunners of today's Mac computers. Torvalds had just revealed that he was working on the operating system we now know as Linux, while Tim Berners-Lee was implementing the first Web servers. So, now that we've had our history lesson, how does The Linux Foundation get away with saying that the Internet wouldn't exist if Linux d...