All Twitter users can now choose to have a 'Professional Account.

Twitter Now Allows All Users to Opt for a ‘Professional Account Twitter, the famous social media platform, has announced that its "Professional Accounts" profile feature is now available to all users. Users have to apply for their account to be transformed into a professional account up until now. Everyone on the site can now choose to become a professional account from their account settings. A "Twitter for Professionals" account gives brands and artists more tools to differentiate their profiles, promote content rapidly through ads, and make use of Twitter's future e-commerce efforts, such as the "Shop Module." It allows companies, businesses, and other shops to showcase their products directly on their Twitter profiles to Twitter users. Twitter now allows all users to create 'Professional Accounts.' A Twitter for Professionals tab can be found by swiping open the sidebar from the app's Home timeline. A "Switch to Professional" ...