
How Flying Will Change in 2022? Will Travel Ever be the Same Again

How Fight Wil Change in 2022   It seems really strange for an aviation and any travel lover to say like this but most people have decided to stop traveling this month due to the high covert cases around the world the world health organization reports covet cases spiked by 71 percent around world nationwide airlines canceling thousands of flights over the weekend stranding families all around the country travel experts are not mincing words they're calling this a full-blown meltdown united airlines CEO Scott Kirby has said 3 000 of the company's employees are currently positive for covid 19. With so many flights canceled so many countries on the red list so many pcr test requirements and so many apps to download there's just so much work before you fly internationally these days will travel ever be back to the same game or covid has changed the way travel should be We have asked three experts to share their opinions it's going to be a long lasting legacy is hygiene and ...

15 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World

Once upon a time experts believed that  computers and the internet would never  take off  now look at where we are technology  continues to change at a rapid pace and  it's becoming harder and harder to keep  up although it's clear that some forms  of tech are gonna change our daily life  more than others  from 3d printers to fake meat here are  15 emerging technologies that will  change our world .  15. Human Hibernation Pods   It can sometimes seem like we've learned  all there is to know about our planet so  now we're trying to explore others means just look at what progress is being  made with trips to mars however visiting  other planets and stars has been made a  bit trickier given that it can take  thousands of years to get to them what  options do we have well one potential  emerging technology in the future could  be human hibernation pods even today  we've be...

All You Need to Know about Meta-Verse

  Metaverse In this blog, we're going to talk about "METAVERSE" What is METAVERSE? Perhaps, most of you haven't heard about this. But 30 years ago, this term was coined by Neil Stephenson in his science-fiction novel "Snow Crash" He was the one who introduced this term you can simply watch the movie "Ready Player One" to know more about it (METAVERSE). You will get to know about METAVERSE.. But before talking about METAVERSE. We’ll talk about the technology which is proving to be helpful in making of METAVERSE. When Internet was invented. You need to understand that there was a communication problem. Initially, we would use telegram (to deliver messages). Then phones were introduced for data travelling. Since human is a social animal, we do require means/system of communication. After that, we adopted Internet of things. If we talk about Internet of things. I have "Alexa" in my hands which is one of Internet of things. Now the Int...

Why SpaceX needs 42,000 satellites? Explanation of StarLink

If you’re reading this blog, that means you have an internet connection, although you may live in an area with limited providers or network speeds. Still having internet accessibility can improve everything from entertainment, to work, to education, and health care. But 41.3% of the world doesn’t have access to the internet… at all. And that’s where SpaceX comes in with Starlink, which is getting very close to launching its service.   What is it, what are the latest developments, and why should you care? So as I mentioned, internet access isn’t ubiquitous. Just over 40% of the world doesn’t have any access to the internet yet, and even in areas with access, it can be spotty if you’re not in more urban areas. Places like Africa, the Middle East, and Asia are lagging behind areas like North America and Europe. Laying long cable runs into remote regions can be costly given the number of potential customers. Even building out wireless signals in those areas is costly, which is why th...

The World in 2050 Future Technology

  From things in the air to new things for our bodies, read this blog we will explore 2050 technology what would be the Future Technology? We are entering the year 2022, and if we're being honest with ourselves, technology is incredibly advanced, and we're making strides that can push things even further. We have cars that are much safer than they've been in the past decade, and we're even making fully electric cars that can help save the planet. There are even plans for self-driving cars and even self-driving Ubers that make the future of transportation very exciting. And that's just ONE technology that we're growing at a fast rate. What about all the others that are out there? What will technology be like as we get closer and closer to 2050? Let's start with the one that well and truly could happen very soon, drones. "Wait a minute, drones are already here!" and yes, they are. But more times than not the drones you are seeing are small, piloted b...