All You Need to Know about Meta-Verse



In this blog, we're going to talk about "METAVERSE"

What is METAVERSE? Perhaps, most of you haven't heard about this. But 30 years ago, this term was coined by Neil Stephenson in his science-fiction novel "Snow Crash"

He was the one who introduced this term you can simply watch the movie "Ready Player One" to know more about it (METAVERSE). You will get to know about METAVERSE.. But before talking about METAVERSE. We’ll talk about the technology which is proving to be helpful in making of METAVERSE. When Internet was invented. You need to understand that there was a communication problem.

Initially, we would use telegram (to deliver messages). Then phones were introduced for data travelling. Since human is a social animal, we do require means/system of communication. After that, we adopted Internet of things. If we talk about Internet of things. I have "Alexa" in my hands which is one of Internet of things.

Now the Internet has started to come into things from the computer screen.. If I install smart switch setup, I'll be able to control the lights through "alexa" with the help of alexa, my fan would blow - - lights would turn on/off Recoding devices/cameras would swith on and off - - alexa would be doing everything.

These are Internet of things.. Now the Internet has (fully) penetrated into physical things.. Previously, what you used to communicate with Internet.. now you can(communicate) with things.. Technology is developing fast now..

Now I don't have to get up and turn the switch on /off (manually).. I'm doing setup.. as my little daughter often needs to go to washroom during the night.. and needed to switch on the light..

Because she is my daughter and loves me very much.. so she gets me up and ask to turn on the light.. If smart switch replace it.. I will just have to command the alexa to turn on the bathroom's light.. right now it(alexa) can decode hindi, but not urdu..

But even if we speak in urdu, it does the job assuming it was hindi Likewise, I'm giving you an example.. you can do so many things using these AI-based devices - - which is Internet of things.. now we're going one step further - - we're advancing towards METAVERSE

I gave you an example regarding METAVERSE - - at that time nobody could even conjecture about it.. But this term was coined by Neil Stephenson.. The movie "Ready Player One" was also based on it.. If you haven't watched this movie yet, I would highly recommend you to watch it - - as it's a wonderful movie. You will get the idea how our future is going to be..

This term "METAVERSE" fuelled the boom when Mark Zuckerberg gave a subtle hint about METAVERSE in July, 2021 any technology - - big technology - - like if we talk about Internet..

Internet technology is not restricted to just communication - - that we can just establish a communication.. In order to make the technology advance, we needed to form a big group of technologies.. like a curry - - chicken curry without potatoes in it would render it "Korma"..

Likewise, Internet was also dependent on so many technologies.. What happens is.. so many technologies develop parallel.. Then these technologies emerged into each other.. and a vast technology is created - - just like Internet..

about 10 or 20 years ago, who would have thought that one day we will be video-calling remotely using Internet at home. The Internet - - system for improving communication was brought about through fiber optics then most of you would have witnessed WiFi technology changing /evolving previously, you would connect wire to the LAN.. Now you use Wi-Fi or if we talk about smart phones.. initially, edge network would work on phones .. now we have smartphones.. all these technologies - - combining together - - supplied the Internet with the power - - that it (Internet) has become a powerful tool for us.

Now let's move on to METAVERSE , the way lots of technologies were developing parallel to Internet at that time METAVERSE hasn't been introduced yet - - we're just talking about it..

because its parallel/supporting technologies experiencing great boom If we talk about augmented/AR reality... what augmented reality is If you played "Pokemon" game.. if you hadn't then I'll make you understand..

In your and my reality, if I take my phone and record something virtually which is near to my camera and I put something in-between for example, this alexa is a real.. if I were to place a carton near to it through my screen and make it dance.. that would be an example of augmented reality.

Likewise, if I talk about VR - - virtual reality - - most of you probably have experienced it. wearing glasses, you go on a roller-coaster ride.. and you feel that fear as well and you're able to experience it visually as well and you hear the sound too - - and it shakes badly. and you feel it (strongly).. this is virtual reality.

Virtual reality is a technology which is going on.. and growing steadily. Although we aren't using it, but if we talk about "Oculus Vr".. it is causing a boom in gaming industry.

As we're discussing about technology, we will also talk about gaming industry. The way we are striking up friendships while playing "pubg game".. I learned that one or maybe few people have entered into marriages as well.

It's just a little example of METAVERSE - - although we only intend to kill each other.. we're also spending money by purchasing skins etc. Now the skins are also "NFT" based. Now gaming industry has become a multi-billion dollars industry...

Previously, in 2007/2008 when we played games like "Attari or Sega" games, it was considered absolute waste of time. When I would finish the last level of the game "Tiny toon", I would call it "Azaadi" (freedom).. as it was done after lots of struggle - - after learning and spending so much time and saving the progress again and again. Although I was getting entertained, but it wasn't a source of income for me.

But nowadays, it can be your source of income. If you notice.. the top youtubers are doing nothing but playing games.. and it's a time-pass for the viewers. And they keep talking and abusing incessantly in the background - - and making thousands of dollars in Pakistan.

What’s the purpose behind that - - if we observe psychologically. Human(s) grow extremely bored - - I always say that the biggest enemy of a human being is "boredom". When he gets bored, he needs something to keep himself entertained..

As the technology is growing /developing, we are entertaining ourselves. If I tell you about other technologies. You(all) must have heard.. it's a period of boom in "NFT" Lots of people don't really understand "NFT" - - what exactly NFT is all about..

Firstly, let's suss out briefly how NFT works. In order to understand NFT, you will have to discern block-chain.. I have already made a video on "Block-chain".. you can watch that video if you haven't..

In this era of technological advancement, I endeavor to give you the examples so that you are somehow able to relate to..

Let's say this alexa - - whatever this object is - - I have made it.. after making it, I'll have to sell it to someone.

Since it is just one of its kind, so the buyer requests its ownership.. and says : since you have made this (product), so there's a possibility of someone having or making its copies.. so I want its ownership..

Now what I would do is.. suppose it's a property.. in order to transfer the ownership of land, what we do is that we draft a contract..

In that contract, all the (necessary) details are written. The main thing(written) in it would be time and date..

It is verified by a notary.. If I gave you the contract, it'll be of no use unless registered.. it is registered by a notary..

Notary - - it maintains its time, date, timestamps, and apprises you of the land owner or who built this house.. and now he is transferring its ownership to so-and-so person..

so we have a contract - - object and its ownership details - - which is in the notary.

Now block-chain technology has changed it slightly..

We are discussing METAVERSE and so many other technologies.. which you really need to understand. Now let's talk about what block-chain technology has done..

The work related to ledger - - the notary - - whatever data - - timestamp or any transaction between two peers- - will be carried out by block-chain.

Its ledger will be available publicly - - whoever wishes would be able to see it.

These smart contacts and NFT(non-fungible tokens) are drawn up under that ledger - - etherium - - for now just etherium.. As block-chain is the most popular..

let's say I created a non-fungible token, and I associated it with a digital property(at present) - - because presently, it's a period of boom in it.

whether game's avatars, videos, pictures, or whatever .. I associated with it - - that this picture is available/linked with this NFT token..

If I drew that picture as an artist, and I want to sell it to someone - - then I'll sell that NFT token to that person - - and it's his property now.

I hope you have understood up to now - - the way notary contract is drafted. This can also be made..

Similarly, you can also create property's NFT tokens and release them - - and it'll be happening very soon - - and everything will be shifted to block-chain technology.

Dubai has already started working on block-chain technology. Because this ledger is extremely powerful - - and nobody can do any corruption in it.

Although it's a different debate that why it is impossible to do that - - because in order to change that network, you will need to have 51% of authority.

which is impossible now - - as lots of people are giving it computing power. so you will need to possess 51% of computing power in order to disrupt any network.. which is impossible now.

Have you understood up to now? that how NFT works and why people are buying it.

Because it is such a sense of ownership that nobody can change.

If Osama created this digital art, and tokenised it through NFT.. whoever I sell this token to, this property will be transferred to that person.. it'll become his intellectual property.

But why people are buying it? why that meme was sold for millions of dollars.. why?

To understand this, if your background/mind accedes to buying expensive arts of an art collector - - that it's possible - - after all, where will the human spend his money?

Or collectibles - - MBA cards - - or Pokemon cards.. if you're able to comprehend it.. that it does have its worth to show off.. then you will get the hang of NFT.

If you know why Mona Lisa painting is so expensive.. and I must clarify that why something is so expensive.. because there's (always) a back-story linked to it.

and we humans always go along with stories - - as Yuval Noah Harari says that there are stories always revolving around us..

For example, if we talk as a Muslim Ummah (community)..

If we get Kaaba's Kiswa, although it is given as a gift - - but if we have to buy it - - though we express our fanatical devotion to it - - and we can closely relate our story with it.

We have discussed about numerous technologies parallel __ VR, AR, NFT, and games industries. All these (technologies) are emerging into METAVERSE.

What METAVERSE is.. let's assume.. a digital reality - - where you will live your life in a digital way. Because you will enter into that world with your eyes closed through oculus or any other similar technology..

after entering into that world, If I wish to flex about a precious thing which I bought.. Because I have (lot of) money. Then what I would do is... that NFT for example.. as there are lots of projects being carried out over NFT..

let me give you an example - - upland.. I'm not recommending anyone to buy anything - - the word "upland" just sprang to my mind - - there are few more as well..

They are giving you digital properties. so that you can tokenise those properties in a digital way.. and most probably you will build on it and assume that you have purchased a digital property on digital block-chain.

and you created a digital world on it - - and you're asking your friends over there virtually.

NVIDIA's ceo showed his keynote presence - - which was cgi(computer-generated image).

see.. there's another technology evolving __computer-generated image __just like 3d technology which is revolutionising..

similarly, there's another technology developing parallel to it - - which will cause METAVERSE to truly become METAVERSE.

In simple words, what we (human beings) want is.. that we go into a simulation world..

and all the technologies.. for example.. I'm sitting in my home - - I wore an oculus - - and I have entered into a (different) world and in that world, I do a job as well and covid-19 has effectively taught me that you can do a lot from the comfort of your home - - your physical presence is not really required - - provided you are a versatile and do some effort..

like news channels - - though it's a different story that they are committing blunders - - but having said that, (almost) everything is being done from home.

The only aspect (remaining) was how to haul luggage from one place to another physically..

for that, Tesla is developing the technology parallel to it.. they have announced that "Tesla Bot" will be launching in 2021 so there are lots of parallel technologies which will indeed make you METAVERSE and its perfect example is the movie "wall.e"

You just sleep on - - and keep on doing what you like - - the robots will keep on performing your duties /tasks. Anyway, it's a far future. But "METAVERSE" is foreseeable future __ we will be able to achieve it at some level so what about the jobs and different things - - if we eliminate the physical element, then the graphics designers will be making huge money in METAVERSE.

I hope you liked this blog Thanks for reading.


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