15 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World


Once upon a time experts believed that  computers and the internet would never  take off  now look at where we are technology  continues to change at a rapid pace and  it's becoming harder and harder to keep  up although it's clear that some forms  of tech are gonna change our daily life  more than others  from 3d printers to fake meat here are  15 emerging technologies that will  change our world . 

15. Human Hibernation Pods 

 It can sometimes seem like we've learned  all there is to know about our planet so  now we're trying to explore others means just look at what progress is being  made with trips to mars however visiting  other planets and stars has been made a  bit trickier given that it can take  thousands of years to get to them what  options do we have well one potential  emerging technology in the future could  be human hibernation pods even today  we've been toying with various forms of  human hibernation medical professionals  use therapeutic hypothermia to lower a  person's temperature to increase their  survival chances from strokes and heart  attacks but even in that regard there's  a fine line between hibernation and  death they use ice packs coolers and  cold saline solution to help someone  fall unconscious they can then remain in  this state for up to two weeks known as  a torpor state space works enterprises  created a report for NASA that discussed  whether therapeutic hypothermia could be  helpful for long duration space flight  in the six to nine months it takes to  get to mars using hibernation could  allow the crew to use fewer resources  when their metabolic rate is lower. 

14: Living Robots  

We've got living creatures and we've got  robots who would have thought that a  hybrid of the two could exist living  robots do and there's a chance they  could be used to clean up toxic waste  and help with other tasks scientists  took living stem cells from African frog  embryos and used them to create new life  forms called xenobiotics they are not  robots nor are they animals instead  scientists are calling them living  programmable organisms they are in  essence reconfigurable organisms that  can heal themselves and move coherently  they're about a millimeter wide and can  move towards targets you set they were  designed on a supercomputer at a  university then assembled and tested by  tufts university biologists co-leader  Michael Levin said they imagined them  having many valuable applications  like searching out radioactive  contamination gathering microplastic in  the ocean and being inserted into  arteries to scrape out plaque even  though scientists have been manipulating  organisms for a while now this new  research was only freshly published in  2020. it's also the first time that biological machines have been designed from the ground up after months of processing.

 13: 3D Printer  

3d printing is the process of printing  three-dimensional objects from a digital  file it's been around for a few years  now but it has moved beyond gimmicky  little action figures and toys that  people first played around with layer  upon layer of material is added until  they form an object each layer is a  thinly sliced cross-section of the final  product as printers have become more  advanced we've been able to create some  pretty spectacular things we can now  create actual houses with 3d printers  not to mention cars body parts and those  wee things you put on masks to protect  your ears  the best part is almost anyone with a  bit of knowledge can get involved in 3d  printing you simply need to create a  digital design in a 3d modeling program  or use one that someone else has made  import it to your 3d printing software  save it to USB stick to insert into your  printer and then let the printer work  its magic several different industries  have been making use of this exciting  tech such as automotive aerospace  medical industrial and education.

 12: Artificial Neurons on silicon chips 

The neurons in our bodies are working units of the brain that transmit  information to nerve cells gland cells  and muscles when they don't work  correctly or are damaged they can stop  our bodies from being able to perform  natural tasks for example someone with a  spinal cord injury may not be able to  walk you might think that a damaged  neuron is game over but technology may  be a game changer researchers at the  uk's university of bath have come up  with low power silicon chips that mimic  the same or similar electrical activity  as your body's neurons as a result  there's potential for these chips to  function like neurons in implants and  medical devices they may also be able to  treat chronic diseases like heart  failure and neurodegenerative diseases  researchers have been working on this  tech for ages and they're excited about  how it could be used to replace damaged  neurons the only setback is that  biological systems are not  straightforward or predictable not  everything will be able to be replicated  in a silicon chip however it may only be  a matter of time before someone with a  severe spinal injury may receive a  silicon chip to help them walk again  technology is an incredible thing. 

 11: Fake Meat

 Most of us fit into one of three  categories passionate meat eaters take  it or relieve it or vegetarian but  there's one thing we could probably all  agree on and it's that meat production  impacts the planet if we could come up  with a solution to this problem without  taking meat away from meat lovers then  we could probably all live in harmony  around 30 percent of the world's  ice-free land is used to raise livestock  cows cause 10 of our anthropogenic  greenhouse gas emissions and we have to  cut down our forests to make room for  all these animals so that's where fake  meat comes in what if we could enjoy the  delicious taste and texture of meat but  without the environmental impact we're  already seeing a wide variety of  plant-based products made to look and  taste like meat but it's now going even  further than that in 2013 Maastricht  university's dr mark post created a  lab-grown beef burger it bled and  smelled like a meat burger but it didn't  contain any meat it was groundbreaking  but it has gone even further than that  impossible foods made plant-based meat  from the theme of meat and Memphis meats  produced the world's first cell-based  beef meatball the meat-free future is  looking bright. 

 10: Warp drive 

 After the year we've just had it's no  wonder that people are trying to look  for ways to leave the planet one of the  main setbacks is the length of time it  takes to get anywhere else in 2017  astronomers discovered that our nearest  neighbor Proxima Centauri may have  habitable exoplanets the problem is it's  4.2 light-years away that would take  between 6  600 and 113000 years to get there with our current tech as you know that's not possible when we only live for around 80 years but that's where warp drive comes in we first heard about it in star trek the technology was described as a way to manipulate space and violate the laws of  motion with it space explorers can travel faster than the speed of light but that's fiction so what are our options Mexican physicist Miguel  Alcubierre thinks that bending  space-time could work if you  were to incorporate his theories into  warp drive technology and put it into a  spaceship the space ahead of you would  contract while the space behind you  would expand it would be like traveling  in a bubble of space-time or a warp  bubble 

9:  Living Concrete 

 Concrete has been a marvelous invention  it's strong easy to pour and makes for  some pretty handy housing platforms but  it's not perfect it can crack and  collapse even with reinforcement since  water can seep in through the cracks and  rust that reinforcement away Netherlands  delft university of technology professor  hank jonkers may just have the solution  he says they have invented bio concrete  which is a concrete that can heal itself  with bacteria the concrete mixes like  any other ordinary concrete but it  contains a healing agent this remains  intact during mixing then dissolves and  becomes active if or when the concrete  starts to crack and water gets in it  took three years to come up with this  new technology since they needed to find  bacteria that could survive in an  environment as harsh as one made of  concrete they would also need to be able  to survive for potential years until it  was called upon to start the healing  process they ended up using bacillus  which thrives in alkaline conditions and  has spores that can survive for decades  without oxygen or food tired of cracked  pavements outside your house this bio  concrete could be the answer

 8: Vacuum Tube

Train travel  because we now have cars motorbikes and  trucks trains can seem like a bit of an  outdated form of travel surprisingly  it's served us well in the past and  continues to serve us well in the future  especially as we keep coming up with  innovative technologies to make them  even better Elon musk came up with the  idea of making trains bigger and better  than ever before in 2013 he described  his theory of the hyperloop alpha which  involved a vacuum tube transport system  he believed it could be a solution for  high traffic cities up to 900 miles  apart pods or passenger cars could move  through a tube in what would be a near-vacuum of airspace a fan in the pod's  front would combat pressure build-up and  air bearings would allow it to move  forwards at speeds of up to 700 miles an  hour with onboard batteries it could  also recharge during transit with  built-in solar panels imagine how  life-changing that could be you could  live and work in cities 700 miles apart  and it would still only take you an hour  to get to work and back home again each  day

  7:   Self-driving 

Self-repairing cars  by now most of us are aware of  self-driving cars they're not exactly  commonplace but they are becoming more  and more so however another emerging  technology is self-driving cars that are  also self-repairing  okay all right so you're probably  thinking that cars have been able to  diagnose their issues for years and  they can we see lights pop up on our  dashes and we take them to a mechanic to  fix them we can even plug them into  sensors to determine what other problems  our vehicles might have or how to make  them more efficient experts believe that  in the future the same cars that can  drive themselves, they'll be able to diagnose all manner of faults and problems and may even be  able to predict future issues based on the expected wear and tear of parts as a result in these cars may be able to make use of data collected by mechanics to tell you that in say 10 000 miles you'll need to replace your fuel pump you can then take action to avoid being stranded on the side of the road somewhere. 

6:  Flying cars 

Okay calm down this isn't the jetsons  but how cool would it be to see cars  flying overhead how amazing would it be  to avoid traffic jams technology  companies are cautiously saying it might  only be around 5 or 10 years until  flying cars and drones are a common place in that window of time we need to  start planning our traffic standards for  the sky and not just for the road, fortunately, help is at hand for this  process world economic forum lead for  aerospace and drones Harrison Wolfe has  put together a set of principles for the  urban sky cities worldwide can use them to make sure all flying car drivers are aware of their requirements Los Angeles will be among the first to implement them with other cities being able to follow their lead so what kind of flying cars can we expect to see fill in our skies well they'll be smaller than commercial planes of course but most will have rotors they won't have wings which means they'll be able to take off and land vertically 

5:   Smart Agriculture 

The farming industry is under a bit of  pressure by 2050 our population is  expected to grow to 9.6 billion and  that's a lot of mouths to feed  fortunately internet of things or iot  technology could mean that we can  increase food production by at least 70  percent farmers can use data and  analytics to increase their food  production such as with tractors that  can determine how much soil moisture and  sun plants need to grow farmers also  have access to gps technology soil  scanning data management automatic water  sprinkling and much more all of these  technologies equate to a more controlled  and successful farming venture with  increased production potential iot  technologies will also allow food  producers to reduce waste improve  livestock management and welfare and  predict weather patterns better smart  farming can benefit fish farming  forestry fleet management small and  large farms and even storage monitoring  organizations and businesses are also  jumping on board to make our food go  further for example big green is  installing gardens in underserved  schools and square roots is teaching  young farmers about raising crops with  led lighting in shipping containers 

4: Exoskeletons 

 For workers  much of the technology we have today has  been able to limit how much manual labor  we do still there are plenty of  industries that still require humans to  do the job over time those jobs can take  a toll on our bodies exoskeletons and  more specifically the exo-vest or Evo is  a game changer evo is an upper body  lifting exoskeleton that reduces fatigue  and increases productivity it's a  wearable piece of tech that may be able  to eliminate back shoulder and neck  injuries it's lightweight and durable  and pretty much makes you feel like an  iron man when you're wearing it it also  gives you extra strength and stamina  while protecting you from injury when  you put it on you notice that the  harness fits securely around your upper  extremities it has minimal touch points  large holes for your arms and a full  range of motion in your joints while  also supporting your muscles anyone from  warehouse workers to construction  workers could benefit from this  exoskeleton it's also not the first  product that has hit the market like it  hulc was a hydraulic-powered exoskeleton  that allowed soldiers to carry heavy  equipment loads over long distances they  could support speeds of up to 10 miles  per hour.

3:  Floating Farms 

 With our population growing at a rapid  pace finding a way to feed everyone is  essential the sooner we can come up with  a solution the better off we will be  floating farms could be that very  solution we only have a certain amount  of usable land but two-thirds of our  entire planet is made up of water we may  as well put it to good use at least that  was what university of sussex design  graduate leela clark thought she created  a floating farm prototype that would  allow small pods to float on the water  and even in the ocean and be  self-watering they would have clear  domed tops and a natural desalination  process that would allow the plants to  access fresh water by trapping water  vapor below and using the condensation  to water the plants as long as there's  salt water underneath the plant pod the  plants will get a sufficient amount of  fresh water every day leela said lila  has also proved that these plant pods  work as she was able to grow spinach and  chard she now hopes to get commercial  funding so that she can make even larger  domes and grow more plants 

 2: li-fi  

li-fi technology is a light-based  communication technology that uses light  waves instead of radio technology to  deliver data if you thought your  internet was fast now wait until li-fi  becomes commonplace in the future this  form of tech will allow you to access  even faster even more reliable  technology than ever before it won't  replace wi-fi or even 4g or lte but it  will work alongside them to make sure  you can stream and play online games to  your heart's content without all that  buffering nonsense the best part is  li-fi will be a lifeline for any place  that typically struggles with  connectivity so anywhere that doesn't  support wi-fi like hospitals and  aircraft cabins can make use of li-fi  you can also experience fewer network  interruptions high peak data rates and  more security if that's not enough for  it then what about the fact that li-fi  could be 10 times cheaper than wi-fi  not everyone will understand all the  voodoo and black magic behind how li-fi  works but we'll put it into simple terms  for you li-fi uses a photo detector to  receive light signals and then it  converts the data into streamable  content with a processor. 

 1: Artificial  Intelligence 

It's set to be one of the most disruptive human-made creations in history experts say that AI will make most people better off in the next decade or so from what we've seen of the technology we've got today I'll be a hedge to my best that that's quite an accurate assumption there's every reason to believe that computers will become more intelligent than us and we'll be able to take on tasks that used to be reserved. 

Hope you read this blog, make sure to comment below on which technology you liked most. 


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