Why SpaceX needs 42,000 satellites? Explanation of StarLink
If you’re reading this blog, that means you have an internet connection, although you may live in an area with limited providers or network speeds. Still having internet accessibility can improve everything from entertainment, to work, to education, and health care. But 41.3% of the world doesn’t have access to the internet… at all. And that’s where SpaceX comes in with Starlink, which is getting very close to launching its service. What is it, what are the latest developments, and why should you care? So as I mentioned, internet access isn’t ubiquitous. Just over 40% of the world doesn’t have any access to the internet yet, and even in areas with access, it can be spotty if you’re not in more urban areas. Places like Africa, the Middle East, and Asia are lagging behind areas like North America and Europe. Laying long cable runs into remote regions can be costly given the number of potential customers. Even building out wireless signals in those areas is costly, which is why th...